Established Challentech in Taiwan by Mr. Hoton Chang
About ChallentechRepresentative sales, technical support, and creating industry leadership.
Founded in 1987.Challentech has a similar pronunciation as “Challenge”. Challentech is derived from Challenge and Technology.
Represent the products in the applications of Semiconductor, Compound Semiconductor, Flat Panel Display, Optoelectronics, environmental protection and Solar Cell.
Provide the state-of-the-art products and own the professional and qualified sales, application and service team.
Offer continuously the rapid technical support and service to our customers, and response immediately the latest industries and marketing status to our principals.
Established Cryotech International Corporation for sale and overhaul of Cryogenic system equipment.
Invested "Grand Plastic Technology Corp.
Established "Challenge Technology Corp." (CTC) in Shanghai China
Established application department for more value-added support
Acquired OHSAS certification
Established “Mu-Mao Foundation” to fulfill C.S.R.
Purchased new office building at No. 21, Taihe Rd., Zhubei City and moved in
Completed merge of Challentech Int’l Corp. & Cryotech to Challentech Group
Win the first prize of smelearning (Small Enterprises E-learning Platform)
Win the prize of work-life balance award (Work leisure award) and best of keeping E-learning Award (Small Enterprises E-learning Platform)
Passed the TÜV Rheinland CERTIFIED process of Taiwantrade Supplier Verification
Win the prize of 2017 D&B TOP 1000 SMEs Elite Award
Win the Bronze prize of Talent Quality-management System(TTQS)
Best of keeping Elearning Award (Small Enterprises Elearning Platform)
Passed the TÜV Rheinland CERTIFIED process of Taiwantrade Supplier Verification, win the prize of 2018 D&B TOP 1000 SMEs Elite Award
CIC was merged GPTC Group on March 1st, to be a 100% subsidiary held by GPTC.
Win the Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace for Health Promotion
Administration Ministry of Health and Welfar
Win the prize of 2020 China Credit Information Service TOP 5000 Award
Win the prize of 2021 D&B TOP 1000 SMEs Elite Award
Win the prize of 2021 China Credit Information Service TOP 5000 Award
Win the prize of 2022 D&B TOP 1000 SMEs Elite Award
Win the prize of 2022 China Credit Information Service TOP 5000 Award
Corporate Governance
As a professional agent, we are highly respect our principal, customer and employee relations.
We advocate the "Grateful" culture, in order to express gratitude to principals and customers for their continued support, and also to thank our colleagues for their great efforts and contributions. We devote to provide a stable and growing working environment, expect we can work together with gratitude to generate a better future, continue to provide more added value to our principals and customers, and try our best to implement social responsibility.
Social Responsibility
CIC believe in taken from society and give back to society. In combination with the company's "grateful" culture, in addition to take care of the internal employees, we also devote to participate social care to the needs of the society. Including the establishment of Scholarship of student Aid, donations to disadvantaged groups, offering breakfast and books in the remote primary school, second-hand materials collection and donation.
We also advocates the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection, and implements it within the company to fulfill its corporate social responsibility.